7 Degrees Blog

The Seven Degrees Blog is our way to share our thoughts on business, life, and of course, marketing, events and technology. Our goal is to educate, engage and inspire. We look forward to sharing ideas with our readers and hearing your feedback.

Great Conference Calls and Why Yours Isn’t.

September 27, 2011

Last week I was on a call of an informal group of social media leaders. The purpose of the call was to exchange best practices and share ideas on the industry and how…

What If We Did It This Way…

September 23, 2011

This week Midori and I attended the Mashable Social Good Summit, in partnership with The UN Foundation. The conference, which was held at the 92nd Street Y, focused on how leveraging technology can…

Making Changes.

September 22, 2011

Yesterday I walked into the Walgreens across from my house and it was different. The paper towels were on the complete other side from where I was used to finding them. So was…

You mixed my media. I like it.

September 19, 2011

Oooo, I just finished a super awesome book! If you’re a book reader like me, you know that there is no greater internal conflict than completing a book you adore. On the one…

Is She Doing it Right?

September 11, 2011

On Friday I had cocktails with Gabrielle Zevin. Gabrielle is a high school friend and a successful author.  Gabi, as she was known in our younger days, was in most of my English…

Interning Mid-Career

September 7, 2011

The saying goes “you need experience to get experience.” This catch-22 approach to job hunting has plagued just about everyone. Many of us worked for little or no pay in high school or…

Being a Friend.

September 6, 2011

If you read my blog on a regular basis then you know that I often write about relationships. I usually talk about them in the context of business and helping others for mutual…

A New Season.

September 6, 2011

Summer is my favorite season. I love warm weather, BBQs, lazy days at the pool and flip flops. In the high-strung, fast-paced northeast, things seems to slow down just a little bit. While…

Making My Vacation Valuable To You

September 5, 2011

This weekend I went on a trip to Miami Beach with girlfriends, Frannie, Melissa and Melanie. I met Frannie and Melissa in cardio-boxing and this was our first trip together. Melanie, who will…

The Innovation Roller Coaster…Enjoy the Ride.

September 1, 2011

It’s no surprise that Midori and I,  along with our community of colleagues love to push the limits of creativity, try to things and help people, associations, events and companies embrace technology. However,…

Continuing the Conversation: Keeping Conferences Alive.

August 31, 2011

The first time that I heard about Japanese presentation format, Pecha Kucha was two years ago when I spoke at the Experient E4 event. All of the E4 presenters were asked to participate…

Helping Tim: A B2B Story

August 30, 2011

Last week at EventCamp Twin Cities, I delivered a 6 minute Pecha Kucha session on the topic of Using Social Media for B2B Marketing. In the short presentation, I told a story about…

The Business of Hugs

August 29, 2011

I am not usually a hugger. If you ever see me and my sister hug you would laugh. It’s sort of a tap that looks so ridiculous that we have made into a…

SERIOUSLY? “Social Optimization”? Like, really seriously?

August 26, 2011

Soooo, a few weeks ago, while spending a quiet evening with my WordPress dashboard, I almost choked on my lovely IPA when I came across the section on Social Optimization. In the infinite…