Thanksgiving 2.0
Yesterday I was blessed to spend the day doing what I love. Cooking, entertaining and spending time with friends. With family spread out in other parts of the country and the world, I…
What’s Your Land Down Under?
Today, my little sister Tiffany is doing something that most people wouldn’t have the guts to do. She is moving 10,355 miles from New York to Melbourne, Australia. The story goes that she…
Shakin’ Events Up: Are Attendees Ready?
I have a confession. I hate sitting in conference educational sessions. Well not all sessions. Mostly I don’t like the sessions where there is a presenter droning on for an hour. I tune…
Beta is Not an Excuse to Make a Poor Product: Lessons Learned from Google+
This week Google rolled out pages for Google+. A mad rush to register pages has been happening since the announcement. However, as soon as social media enthusiasts began creating pages they noticed major…
wandering Aimlessly: key to Innovation?
When I was a kid, my older brother used to have this die hard aversion to starting the car unless we knew precisely where we were headed. We always joked about his phobia…
How to Use Google Alerts.
If you are using Google Alerts already then you can stop reading. Congratulations. You have discovered the easiest and cheapest (it’s free) social media monitoring tool around. If you aren’t using it, you…
You Are They.
I started to write this post several days ago and paused. When Pam Atherton asked me for a thought on business during my interview last week on A Closer Look, I told her…
What’s Your Karmic Footprint?
This week, as I was visiting with friends, while someone was describing their carbon footprint, it sounded like” karmic footprint.” Wow, what a concept, I thought. How exactly does one determine what their…
iPhone 4s features that will matter to #eventprofs.
As you probably already heard, today was the much-awaited announcement from Apple about the release of their newest phone. I know that at my way-geeked-out-house last night, my husband and I spent most…
How to Create an Experience on the Fly.
Today was an interesting day. After a great few days in Big Sky, MT, it was time to head back to the East Coast. After sitting at Bozeman airport with my friends, who…
A Friend for All Seasons.
I’m sitting in here Big Sky, Montana at the beautiful home of Kelly McDonald celebrating her big 5-0 with a new friend, Pam Atherton. I was introduced to Kelly through our mutual friend,…