Here in New Jersey, there is a a lot of excitement in the air as The Giants prepare for SuperBowl XLVI. Other than some debate about whether they are the New York Giants or the New Jersey Giants, there is no doubt that the Tri-State is hoping for a win from Big Blue. At the same time, marketing enthusiasts (professionals and consumers alike) are gearing up for the advertisements that have traditionally premiered during the annual football frenzy. From the classic Budweiser frogs to the the racy Go Daddy ads and of course, the iconic 1984 Apple Macintosh ad, the Super Bowl has brought out the very best in the buzz building.
But, wait, with permeation of YouTube in our daily lives, we are seeing these ads preview days before the main event and being shared by the masses afterwards. No longer do you have to stay glued to the screen to view the humor/shock/sex appeal/tear-enducing ads. With the on-demand access that YouTube generously provides us, we can watch the ads and the discuss them with our friends on FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInBlogs. That’s right, the conversation continues.
Then we have the marketing geniuses over at CBS clearly know how to repurpose content and have started a contest where people can vote on the best of the best from Super Bowl’s past. Ten commercials have been selected for vote and can be viewed here.
Does any of this seem familiar? The Super Bowl is one the biggest events of the year and the engagement factor is huge. Advertisers are starting early to gain exposure and using social media to extend the value of their investment. CBS is pre-gaming with a contest that gets people involved. These are all strategies that any event organizer can do to extend the life of their event.
Here Are Seven Tips On How To Super Bowl Your Event Marketing Efforts:
- Treat Sponsors like Super Bowl Advertisers. Create teaser videos about what they might learn about the company and promote them to attendees ahead of time.
- Get in the Game. Create a game for attendees where they have to piece together clues from the videos.
- Bud. Wei. Ser. Share funny things on your social networking channels. People enjoy humor and just because your meeting is all about business, doesn’t mean that people don’t like a good laugh. Using humor strategically can be a big win!
- Embrace a Hail Mary. Fans love a game that goes into over time and Super Bowl ads that are extreme. Don’t be afraid to push the limits from time to time.
- Bring in The Best Players. The Super Bowl is about the best of the best battling for the title. Your content and event design needs to be top notch. This means knowing WHY you are putting on an event, and having a game plan. Don’t rely on what you have always done in the past because at some point, the other team (read: your competition) is going to beat you. Put real time into the meat of the event even if it’s hard work.
- Throw a Potluck Party. If you have ever hosted or been invited to a Super Bowl party, you know that some of the best dishes come from other people. It’s the same thing with idea generation. Get people involved in brain storming and listen to the suggestions that other people have. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t rely on experts to make certain decisions, but if you include more people, you get some surprises that can make your event better. Remember that not everyone will agree with your decision to have Madonna as the half-time show act because it’s impossible to please 100% of the time, but adding LMFAO appeals to another audience and bridges a gap.
- Tailgate like a Pro. Hangout, talk to attendees, have a little fun, you deserve it.
What did I miss? How can you ensure a championship for you next meeting or conference?
P.S. I make some amazing Super Bowl snacks and am looking for a party to bring them to. Invitations are being accepted.