The Truth About Vision Boards

March 12, 2019

Vision Boards

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine posted that her 2018 Vision Board had come true.  She’s someone has flourished professionally over the last few years and is living her champagne dreams.   Personally, I had been dilly-dallying about building my 2019 board.  I recently clarified a lot of my goals for the year, but was procrastinating about putting them on paper.

What is a Vision Board?

If you don’t know what a Vision Board is, there are many definitions and there is no right or wrong description.   For me, they are a graphical representation of what we want to see happen.  More like, what we want to manifest.  I build mine on an 11″ x 14″ canvas and glue on clippings from magazines.   It’s like arts and crafts time for grown-ups.   Creating a Vision Board is often best done while sipping wine with girlfriends, although men are certainly encouraged to do them and alcohol is not a requirement.

A few years ago I designed a board during a networking event and hung it in my office.  It felt like a contrived version of what I wanted.  As a result, not much of what was visioned came to fruition.

However, after reading my friend’s post,  I was inspired.  I wanted to make good shit happen.   And so, I got to work.   Armed with a glass of Cabernet, a plate full of cupcakes, a handful of magazines and my friend Karen, I was ready.

What did I want?  Travel. Yes, I had been itching to go international, but at the time, there was no trip on the horizon.  Luxury.  I mean, who doesn’t want luxury?  Presents.  I’m like a little kid sometimes and love to open gifts.  It’s not so much about the value, but the experience and surprise.  The rest of my board is filled with positive affirmations and some other deliciousness that I want to attract.   My board was finished on February 13th.

Vision Board Creates Reality

Last week I was speaking in Chicago for MPI.   The chapter took such good care of me and even arranged ground transportation from the airport.   My ride, as it turned out, was a stretch limo.   Just. For. Me.  While it seemed a little “extra” I smiled to myself…luxury.

When I arrived at the conference center, in the speaker-ready room I discovered a lovely package for me.  In a beautiful bag that contained chocolates and a Yeti tumbler.   Again, I smiled…presents.

OK, so you might be thinking, oh you are just reading into it.   Well, maybe I am.

But Wait.  There’s More…

As I write this post I am sitting on a bullet train.  Heading from Tokyo to Akita in Northern Tohaku. That’s Japan if you are wondering.   One month ago, I created that board at my dining room table in New Jersey and now I am on my way to a media tour on the other side of the world.   How did this happen?

My friend Yukari posted on Facebook that she needed someone in New York.   Not knowing what she needed or why, I offered help.   She explained that she had a friend who was looking for someone to go on a tour to Japan.  I noted I was in NJ (a suburb of New York) and sure, I would love to go.   I DID NOT think this was going to happen.  Magically, a few days later I received an email saying they wanted me to go.   Again, I smiled…travel.

The universe is powerful and what we put out there matters.  It’s a mindset.  It’s faith.  It’s being a kind person and offering to help even when you don’t know why.

The truth about vision boards is simple.   They work if you believe they do.   In the words of Neil Diamond, I’m a Believer.

Stay tuned for more about my trip and what perceptions it’s changed for me about the world that we all share.
