If you are like me and are trying to get some work done before the new year begins, you are having a little trouble focusing. There is something about the week between Christmas and New Year’s that says “just hang out.” While I have been busy working on presentations for PCMA Convening Leaders and several MPI Chapter events that are lined up for early January, I have spent a lot of time catching up on reading. I’ve been consuming information wherever I can get it. Some of the things that I have read are technology related, some event related, others are purely fictional, allowing my brain to relax and daydream. It’s nice to have some time to catch up and regroup.
With a busy year ready to kick off in a few short days, I have spent some time adding new apps to my iPhone and iPad, including some great content readers. I found a bunch that I like and thought that you might like them too. A few I absolutely love!
Seven Apps That I Love and You Might Too.
1. Garmin StreetPilot On Demand. I have a really good sense of direction, but like a GPS when driving to unknown places. I have tried a few apps that have pointed me in the wrong direction or sent me in circles until I was downright dizzy. This app for iPhone has been pretty reliable so far. The app was $.99 and worth it. I missed using the Google Maps turn-by-turn navigation when I had a Droid, but this makes up for it.
2. IMO. This is my go-to instant message app for iPhone and iPad. It is an aggregator that combines Yahoo, AIM, GTalk, MSN and even Facebook chat and Skype. I love having everything in one place and I can chat with people, regardless of how we are connected. The best part, it’s a free app! It’s also available for Android.
3. Worldcard Mobile. This is a great business card scanner that uses the camera on your phone. It’s very accurate and saves business cards directly to your contacts. It’s pricier than most apps at $6.99, but a great investment for people who collect a lot of business cards. The Android version is $5.99.
4. ePrint Services. This apps allows your to use the self-service printers at FedEx Office or WalMart photo centers. You can access files anywhere on the internet (great for Dropbox users) and print them without needing assistance. When lines are long or if you just feel liking printing something yourself, this app works great. It’s free for both iOS 5 and Android.
5. PhotoSyn. This amazing photo app allows you to easily take panoramic photos and piece them together. This is a great app to shoot events and see an entire room in one “shot.” Currently, it is only available for iPhone.
6. Zite Personal Magazine. This apps sends great content to read like a magazine and allows you to rate what you like so you will get more content that you like. I LOVE this app. While I read a lot of technology related content from the Mashable and Tech Crunch apps as well as through my social networks, this app has helped me discover content in different areas like travel and psychology. It’s free, but only available for iPhone and iPad.
7. Crasher Squirrel. OK, this one has zero business value, but it is a favorite. The famous mascot of Banff, AB Canada, has found it’s way into photos everywhere and can be a part of your albums too. If you haven’t met him yet, check out his story and follow him on Twitter.
What apps did you discover and love in 2011?