Jessica Levin

Growing Pains: The Business of Growing Up

September 5, 2023

They grow up so fast… You might be thinking, “WTF? My business isn’t wearing awkward braces or dealing with teenage angst” But bear with me here. If you’ve ever been through the roller coaster of growing a business, you’ll find some uncanny similarities between the two journeys. Remember when you were a teen? Pimples, voice…

A Decade of Destiny

June 1, 2021

Picture it. New Jersey. 2011. A brand new entrepreneur walks outside to leave for her first trip on her first day “self-employed.” When she looks up she sees a stretch limo instead of the sedan she ordered to take her to the airport. This is going to be a good life… Ten years later, that…

12 Years and Counting

May 3, 2021

I can hardly believe that 12 years have passed since Seven Degrees was started. Like every year at this time, I have reflected on the time that has passed, what has changed, what is the same, and what the future holds. I think we are all tired of hearing about the last year and the…

When Is It Time For A New Website?

March 30, 2021

If you are viewing this post, you may have noticed that we have just updated our website. After about 12 years in business, this is the 3rd major overhaul in addition to ongoing tweaks and a few big ones over time. That averages out to a new site every 4 years or so. The truth…

Starting a Business?

March 22, 2021

In the last year many people have jumped off the cliff and into the entrepreneurial pool. It’s an exciting time to go after your dream of owning your own business. It can also be scary and sometimes you don’t even know where to start. Let’s take a look at some of the basics when it…
