Everyday Inspiration

Making Connections Personal.

March 18, 2011

Yesterday I received a call from Jack Vincent. He connected to me through my blog and via Twitter. I asked him a few questions online and he decided he wanted to take the time to properly introduce himself. Wow. Shocking.  I have to admit that I was first surprised when Jack called, but after chatting…

Are You a Resource?

March 17, 2011

I met my friends Melissa and Frannie at the gym. Last night while we were at dinner, they shared with me that when they first met me, they wanted to be my friend because I was resourceful. I told them that they could buy boxing gloves on Amazon, where to find the best treats at Costco…

Thinking Outside of Our Little Worlds.

March 10, 2011

There are three basic professional worlds that I live in: Professional Services/Accounting; Events/Association; and Social Media/Technology. For the most part, the people who I meet in these worlds don’t intersect all that often. There is some cross-over, but in general, I have daily exposure to people that all have very different values and different perspectives.…

Rainy Sunday Reading.

March 6, 2011

It’s rainy today in New Jersey and great day to curl up with a book (or an E-reader as my lovely friend Michelle Golden, says).  I figured today was a good day to talk about reading. When I was little I loved to read. I would stay up into the middle of the night reading…

How I Named My Company.

March 2, 2011

People often asked me how and why I named my company Seven Degrees Communications. Many people confuse the seven degrees with Six Degrees of Separation or the spin-off of that concept, the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. I hate to confuse people, but there was some logic to this similarity. Here is my story. I…
