I try really hard to practice what I preach. Walk the talk. Do as I say. Insert cliche of your liking. So when I give people advice, I try and take it myself. This week I took some time to work on my business so that I can do a better job for my clients.…
How many times have you heard those words? I’d like to introduce to you so-and-so. I say them on a weekly, if not daily, basis. I introduce colleagues who I believe would benefit from knowing each other. On occasion, I see a good romantic fit and make an entirely different type of introduction, but that’s…
It’s the beginning of a long weekend here in the U.S. and I have just returned from a wonderful week of travel. I am way overdue for a blog post, but I don’t feel like sharing any heavy content today. This is going to be one of those feel-good kind of posts. Last week I…