Goodwill, Nice Stories and a New Blog.

December 16, 2011

I have been sharing a lot of “softer” stories on this blog, yet I have a lot of stories that don’t have a direct business purpose. Some of these are customer service stories. Some are general observations. With that said, I am working on creating a new Tumblr blog that is dedicated to sharing stories of goodwill and nice gestures or simply people going above and beyond. It might also just include some cool things that don’t really fit in a traditional post, but would be great in a Tumblr post. Why am I doing this? Because I see a lot of good, positive things that are happening in the world and I am looking for an outlet to share them. That said, this is a business-focused blog and I want to help streamline the content so I think have a separate blog for other content just makes sense.

I have been trouble coming up with  a name for the new Tumblr site so I need your help.  Do you have any catchy ideas for a short-form blog with the sole purpose of sharing observations of people being nice and making a difference in the world?

Want an example of what I mean? Here are some ideas of what I want to include:

1. On my flight to San Diego, an elderly woman was sitting next to me. She was traveling from Ireland to San Diego and seemed tired. The flight attendant and other passengers helped her with whatever she needed. At one point during the flight, she got up to use the restroom and I realized, after a while, that she didn’t return. After having a vacant seat next to me for a bit of time, a new passenger sat down next to me.  Apparently the woman who had been sitting there was ill and went into first class to use the restroom. This man, who realized that she was sick, gave up his seat in first class so that she could have it and be a bit more comfortable.  This was a simple gesture. We were halfway through the six-hour flight. Ron, the generous man, didn’t think that is was a big deal.  Witnessing this act of selflessness, I felt warm inside.  Would I do the same? Would you do the same?

2. I’ve always been a sucker for making donations while checking out of stores. Donating a dollar here and there is easy. Many charities collect all year long or have campaigns with certain retailers. Organizations like March of Dimes and Muscular Dystrophy Association have been doing this for years. Even restaurants like Chilis run their Create a Pepper campaign to raise funds for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.  This year I noticed a number of stores making it easier to buy toys for kids or candy for the troops.

Now I know that the retailers profit from selling items in their stores for donation. However, whenever I have agreed to donate (either a dollar or the purchase of a gift), the face of the cashier usually lights up. Last week, while shopping at my local Walgreens, I purchased chocolates for the troops. The guy who sold it to me was so excited that I said yes that he showed me the huge box of treats that they had sold. He wasn’t thinking about the profits. He was appreciating the generosity and giving spirit of the community (it was a really big box!). And it was contagious. This experience got me thinking about how to expand the spirit of giving. For my small contribution, I’ve decided that they next time I am asked to donate at checkout that I make sure that they person behind me in line knows what I did and hopefully the giving is contagious.  Do you donate at checkout?

3.  There are a number of heart-warming stories floating around the internet. Here are a few and ways that you can make a difference.

So as you can see, there is a lot of good in the world and when I see it I want to share it.  So here is how you can help. In the comments section, please leave suggested names for my new blog. If I choose your suggestion then I will make a donation to the charity of your choosing. 
