Speaking on The Side: A Book Review.

December 4, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-12-03 at 11.48.17 AMFull Disclosure. Jeff Greene is a friend and someone who helped me launch Seven Degrees back in 2009. That said, my review of his book could be biased.   You should read it anyway.

Jeff is a speaker. I’ve hired him to speak for meetings that I have planned and  trust me, he made me look good to my attendee.  Yes, Jeff Greene is a great speaker.  Jeff and I have often shared thoughts on hiring speakers and getting hired as a speaker (since I have been and am on both sides of it).  It’s a crazy business.  How do you get speaking gigs? How much do you charge? How can you speak and have a “real” job at the same time?

There are many factors to consider so Jeff went out and wrote a book about it. It’s called Speaking on the Side and it’s filled with practical tips and advice on how to get started speaking and how to get paid for doing it. It’s not just Jeff’s input either. He interviewed several professional speakers, like Joe Rotella, and included their feedback into the book.

This is not a book you read just once. It’s a handbook. A guide. A speaking bible of sorts. And the advice is spot on.  I know that I picked up a few tips by reading it and you can too.

If you are looking to get into public speaking to make a few extra bucks or to establish yourself as a thought leader, check out Speaking on the Side.  As a gift to you, if you buy the book from www.speakingontheside.com, you will receive 25% by using the discount code: XGG8B4VJ.  If you are looking at ways to kick off 2014 with some new ideas, you will be sure to get them in Speaking on the Side.

And make sure to look for Jeff’s next book, Speaking on the Side of Bacon.  OK, that was wishful thinking. But…bacon.
