
Making Connections Personal.

March 18, 2011

Yesterday I received a call from Jack Vincent. He connected to me through my blog and via Twitter. I asked him a few questions online and he decided he wanted to take the time to properly introduce himself. Wow. Shocking.  I have to admit that I was first surprised when Jack called, but after chatting…

Are You a Resource?

March 17, 2011

I met my friends Melissa and Frannie at the gym. Last night while we were at dinner, they shared with me that when they first met me, they wanted to be my friend because I was resourceful. I told them that they could buy boxing gloves on Amazon, where to find the best treats at Costco…

There’s a Spark in You.

March 1, 2011

“Do you know that there’s still a chance for you. Cause there’s a spark in you. You just gotta ignite the light. And let it shine. Just own the night. Like the Fourth of July. Cause baby you’re a firework. Come on show ’em what you’re worth” – Lyrics from Katy Perry’s Firework. I love…

Building Relationships: From Online to Real-Life.

April 14, 2010

I was fortunate to have worked for two of the best networkers in the world. Domenick Iellimo and Sally Glick both taught me the importance of networking as a business development tool. It wasn’t just about meeting people, but about helping others succeed. It’s about paying it forward. Both of these individuals, both successful in two very different industries, seem to know everyone. They are out there in the world, attending events, having lunches, having breakfast, having dinner…never alone, but with people that they could help.
