A New Season.

September 6, 2011

What will be your change of season?

Summer is my favorite season. I love warm weather, BBQs, lazy days at the pool and flip flops. In the high-strung, fast-paced northeast, things seems to slow down just a little bit. While we officially have two more weeks of the season, today marks the unofficial beginning of fall. Kids are back to school, there are no half-day Fridays and the stores are filled with Halloween costumes and Santa’s workshop has authorized overtime for all employees.  Yes, the summer is over.

This summer was one of change for me. I celebrated my first three months of being self-employed and learned a completely new level of discipline, hard work and giving. As we move into a new season, here are my reflections.

Seven Things that I Learned this Summer.

1. If you spend time helping people, they are willing to help you back. I have been overwhelmed by the support that I have received from friends and colleagues.

2. Pipelines are important and it is not easy to balance building a pipeline with doing real work.

3. Quality matters more than I could ever imagine.

4. You always have to remember who your client is and advocate for them. This lesson was taught to me by a client and I am incredibly grateful.

5. You need a routine and you need to organized. Writing things down makes a huge difference.

6. It’s okay to take a weekend. We all need time to recharge our batteries. And if you are tired, take a nap so that quality doesn’t suffer.

7. As a business owner you need people more than ever. Never forget to continue to give back to individuals and your community.

Seven Things I Will Do Better This Fall.

1. I will be more focused on my routine so that I can put my computer away before 11pm. It’s just not good for the soul.

2. I will eat better so that I have the energy and brain power to do my job.

3. I will do one nice thing for someone else everyday. No matter how busy I might be.

4. I will be grateful everyday for my clients and everyone who has given me the opportunity to live my dream.

5. I will exceed expectations.

6. I will refer business to my competition. I call them coop-etition.

7. I will listen to advice from others. I may not always take it, but I will listen and reflect on it.

What did you learn this summer and what will you do different this fall?
