For as long as I can remember, we have sent hundreds of holiday cards to our business colleagues and friends. Real. Printed. Holiday Cards. If anyone knows me, they know that I am not a fan of e-cards…
When we do send cards, we like them to be creative and bring a smile to someone’s face. We want them to be memorable and festive. We want to share the joy of the season with our community.
This year we had a case of “writer’s block” when it came to our design. We had a few ideas, but nothing we loved. As I sat there thinking about the holidays, I firmly believed that there was something else we should be doing.
Through our work with NY PCMA, we have adopted The Bowery Mission as one of our charities. For the last two years, our PCMA chapter has helped The Mission by building over 500 care packages to be distributed to homeless men and women in New York City. With this is mind, we made the decision to make a donation to The Bowery Mission instead of using the budget for holiday cards.
As you can see from the video above (click the image to view), the money that we donated will be used to provide meals to hungry people in the next few weeks. We encourage you to go check out the work that The Bowery Mission does and how they help people get back on their feet.
With that said, this is not your holiday card, but this is a reminder that we can all make a difference this holiday season— in your town, in an organization, and in the world.
Happy Holidays from our team at Seven Degrees Communications.