Jessica Levin

Pancakes are Not Cancelled

June 17, 2020

We cannot change history, but we can change the way that history is represented. Over the last few weeks, in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, a number of brands are modifying their logos and/or policies. As one might expect the public response has been mixed. People are angry that brands like Aunt Jemima…

11 Years and Still Connecting

May 7, 2020

Last weekend was our 11th anniversary. Last year we celebrated a decade with a new logo, new name, and a shift in focus. Throughout the last year we’ve been lucky enough to help develop some amazing brands, spoken about the impact of social good, and really raised the bar on some of the management consulting…

Be A Helper

March 30, 2020

You are scared. Your friends are scared. Your family is scared. The world is scared with you. If you aren’t an essential worker then you are probably (or should be) home. Events have been canceled. The kids’ crazy schedules have come to a halt. And you have a lot of nervous energy. What should you…

Making Virtual Meetings Work

March 16, 2020

Face-to-face meetings and events are my first love. Since I was seven years old I have loved the idea of gathering people, providing them delicious food, creating fun and memorable experiences. I love it all. I’m also a fan of technology. The early days of social media introduced me to a world I never would…

Working From Home

March 12, 2020

Remote workers. Virtual employees. No pants required jobs. Telecommuting. Whatever you call it, the practice of working from home just got its 15-minute of fame. For those of us who have been sans office for years, we know the drill. For those who are new to crunching numbers on the couch or selling widgets at…
