Jessica Levin

Ide(as) of March. How Not To Be A Brutus.

March 15, 2012

March 15. The infamous Ides of March when Brutus murdered Caesar. The day known for betrayal. Yes, I read the play in high school (yeah I also saw the George Clooney/Ryan Gosling movie too).  Despite the warnings that Shakespeare provided, I have always been a overly trusting, both personally and professionally.  I’m not naive, mind…

It’s A Small, Small World: Building Relationships Without Borders.

March 12, 2012

This is my first post in several weeks traveling so forgive me if I am a bit rusty. Two weeks ago, after a quick stop to speak about Creative Sponsorships at Event Solutions Idea Factory in Las Vegas, I boarded a flight to Australia to visit my sister, who recently relocated there. When I arrived…

Your Time Is Valuable. An Easy Way to Charge For It.

February 21, 2012

Can I pick your brain for a few minutes? I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee and get your opinion on something. Would you mind showing me how to use FacebookTwitterLinkedIn? Have you heard this line before? We’ve all done it.  We have all asked an expert for free advice.  I know some…

Meeting Interrupted? Communicating Why We Use Technology.

February 20, 2012

Last week, while I was sitting and waiting for a flight, I noticed the laptop of the woman sitting next to me. On the front of it (so that onlookers could see) was a big sticker that said “I’m taking electronic notes using Evernote.”  I was so curious about this tag, and glanced at it…

Social Media and #TheGrammys

February 13, 2012

Often, when we speak to clients, they want solid examples of how social media and events work together. Last night, The Grammys provided an excellent case study of how audiences interact with each other and how they share their opinions and feedback.  Without even tuning in, anyone watching the Twitter stream or reading Facebook  was…
