Jessica Levin

How Self-Reflection Can Build Better Relationships.

March 9, 2011

I am one of those people who spends a lot of time thinking about who I am. I think about my goals (almost daily); I think about my attitude (is it how I want it?); and I ask myself “am I making a difference?” I often wonder how the world sees me and what people…

Changes in Latitude. Changes in Attitude.

March 7, 2011

I woke up with the Jimmy Buffet song Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude going through my head this morning. I think I heard it on the radio over the weekend.  It got me thinking about attitude. It also got me thinking about lying on the beach drinking a margarita, but that might be a…

Rainy Sunday Reading.

March 6, 2011

It’s rainy today in New Jersey and great day to curl up with a book (or an E-reader as my lovely friend Michelle Golden, says).  I figured today was a good day to talk about reading. When I was little I loved to read. I would stay up into the middle of the night reading…

How to Market to People Not Like You: A Book Review

March 5, 2011

True confession: This is my first grown-up book review. I was honored when my friend Kelly McDonald asked me to read and review her new book, How to Market to People Not Like You. I first met Kelly through a mutual friend and heard her speak at a conference that I was attending. I have…

Why Using Social Media is Like Going to the Gym.

March 4, 2011

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend who has been struggling with social media buy-in. She is getting a lot of resistance in her company and upper management doesn’t see the value. As I thought about techniques that she could use to convince her company that social media is not the devil, it occurred to…
