This weekend I went on a trip to Miami Beach with girlfriends, Frannie, Melissa and Melanie. I met Frannie and Melissa in cardio-boxing and this was our first trip together. Melanie, who will receive her own dedicated post later this week, loves that I “do social media.” Everyone that we met was quickly informed “she’s…
It’s no surprise that Midori and I, along with our community of colleagues love to push the limits of creativity, try to things and help people, associations, events and companies embrace technology. However, in order to be successful at moving the communications and gatherings through the journey to progress, it is important to do it…
The first time that I heard about Japanese presentation format, Pecha Kucha was two years ago when I spoke at the Experient E4 event. All of the E4 presenters were asked to participate in the fast-paced session that consists of 20 slides lasting 20 seconds each. At E4 we were asked to create a teaser…
I am not usually a hugger. If you ever see me and my sister hug you would laugh. It’s sort of a tap that looks so ridiculous that we have made into a family joke. However, I admit, that I have become much more of a hugger since developing stronger relationships through social media. Now,…