
March 24, 2011

On Sunday I got a tattoo. It was my first. It’s on my foot. It’s a roman numeral seven. I decided a few months ago that I wanted one at some time in the future. I wasn’t really sure what I was waiting for.  On Sunday, I decided that the time was now. You see, over the last few months I have decided that living life to the fullest is an important component of happiness. This means seeing more friends, traveling to more places, and doing things that are a little unlike me.

I am finding that the more that I live, the happier I am. The more that I push myself, the less chance that I have for regret. I have started seeking experiences that will leave an impression on me. Seeing a movie, reading a book, taking a cooking class are all things that create experiences.

In my role as a event professional and a marketer, my job is to create experiences for others, experiences that leave lasting impressions on them. In order to do this, people have to be able to participate in their own experience. They need to learn by doing, not by watching. They need to be immersed in activity and they need to be pushed outside of their comfort zones.  Event planners need to take risks. Event participants need to embrace risks. At the end of an event, participants need to feel as though they were tattooed.

Personally: What are you doing to create the best experiences in your life?

Professionally: How are you creating better experiences for your clients, prospects and event participants?
