Jessica Levin

Apps I Learned to Love in 2011

December 29, 2011

If you are like me and are trying to get some work done before the new year begins, you are having a little trouble focusing. There is something about the week between Christmas and New Year’s that says “just hang out.” While I have been busy working on presentations for PCMA Convening Leaders and several…

Living Intentionally.

December 27, 2011

I’ve written several posts on setting goals and being intentional. I found this post by Andrew Miller and it really resonated with me. In fact, I liked it so much that I wanted to share it with my readers as well. Check out 25 ideas that will help you live on purpose. Happy reading. You’re…

Holiday E-Cards Are Lazy. But You Don’t Have To Be.

December 23, 2011

This isn’t my first post on this topic, but every year,  I receive electronic holiday greetings and they piss me off and if you know me, I’m a stupidly positive person. So, if I am annoyed enough at something to blog about it, you might want to pay attention.   I have stopped counting the…

Doing diversity at your conference. A message to #eventprofs.

December 22, 2011

Today I read a blog that really struck home. Many of you probably know that in addition to my Sr Tech role at 7D, I’m also the co-founder of an audiovisual staging business. I would estimate that 90% of this industry is comprised of men. So far I’m the only woman-owned and operated business of…

Interviewing Conference Speakers Via Skype

December 19, 2011

Hiring speakers for meetings and conventions can be expensive. Good speakers cost good money.  As a professional speaker, I understand that it’s important to pay speakers what they are worth as their time is valuable. However, as an event planner, asking speakers to provide value back to the organization is a good practice. When you…
