Jessica Levin

Great Conference Calls and Why Yours Isn’t.

September 27, 2011

Last week I was on a call of an informal group of social media leaders. The purpose of the call was to exchange best practices and share ideas on the industry and how it applied to a specific niche. All of the participants on the call were thought leaders and everyone wanted to be on…

What If We Did It This Way…

September 23, 2011

This week Midori and I attended the Mashable Social Good Summit, in partnership with The UN Foundation. The conference, which was held at the 92nd Street Y, focused on how leveraging technology can change the world. The speaker line-up was impressive, with celebrities like Ted Turner, Geena Davis, Lance Armstrong, Serena Williams, Mandy Moore and…

Making Changes.

September 22, 2011

Yesterday I walked into the Walgreens across from my house and it was different. The paper towels were on the complete other side from where I was used to finding them. So was the toothpaste. Because it is so close to my house, I stop in a few times a week to pick up household…

You mixed my media. I like it.

September 19, 2011

Oooo, I just finished a super awesome book! If you’re a book reader like me, you know that there is no greater internal conflict than completing a book you adore. On the one hand, you’ve peaked with the apex and gracefully skated through the fall before a final love affair with the denouement. But you…

Is She Doing it Right?

September 11, 2011

On Friday I had cocktails with Gabrielle Zevin. Gabrielle is a high school friend and a successful author.  Gabi, as she was known in our younger days, was in most of my English classes in school. I am not generally an envious person, but I often wished that I had her gift for writing.  In…
