Jessica Levin

Gillette Ad

The Best an Ad Can Get

February 8, 2019

If you haven’t heard, Gillette, in an effort to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their “Best a Man Can Get” campaign, relaunched it as “Best a Man Can Be“. And as you guessed, outrage ensued. Who’s Angry? Some men felt they were being reprimanded and took to social media to express their displeasure. Others felt…

Every Day is Not the “Big Game.”

February 6, 2019

On Sunday night, people were either Patriots fans or Rams fans, right?  Millions of people around the US (and many parts of the world) gathered around TVs with friends and family to choose a team to root for.    For. One. Night. However, the rest of the year they cheer on the Giants.  The Steelers.…

Your First Profile Picture

January 14, 2019

Over the last week or so, many of us have engaged in the “How Well Have You Aged” challenge.  This involves posting our first Facebook profile picture alongside our current one.  For the majority, we have aged quite well. I’m very aware of the fact that this is part of a yet-to-be-determined social experiment on…

Let it Snow

January 10, 2019

Don’t hate me, but I want it to snow.  I want it to snow for days and days.   You see, I own Got A Guy NJ, and we plow driveways when it snows. Here’s the thing.  As a native Floridian, I’m a fan of beaches and flip-flop weather.   I’m terribly uncoordinated and the thought of trudging…

Unsolicited Advice for 2019

January 2, 2019

Welcome to 2019.  Everyone got their goals and resolutions ready? Alright, we can begin now. We Suck at Holidays How did you do over the holidays?  Did you recharge? Did you pretend to work like I did, only to be distracted by cookies rolled in powdered sugar and Cyber Monday sales that lasted until the…
