Jessica Levin

Bringing Your A-game!

April 7, 2011

This week Midori and I were rejected from a potential speaking opportunity. When I received the e-mail I forwarded it to her and told her that I was really disappointed. Her response to me was that she was disappointed too, but to be honest, we didn’t really bring our A-game.  As usual, she was right.…

What Matters.

April 6, 2011

I gave a lot of thought before I wrote this post because I know that talking about life and death can make a lot of people uncomfortable. However, I received a lot of positive feed back about my post on Visioning and wanted to continue the conversation a bit. I have been working a lot…

Green Means Go. Red Means Stop.

April 5, 2011

Twice in the last five days I have eaten Brazilian Churrascaria. Yes, I know, it should be illegal to consume that much meat in such a short time period and we won’t even mention the sangria intake.  If you have ever dined in one of these restaurants, then you probably used the go/stop method where…

Taking Advice.

April 4, 2011

Last night I received some great business advice from a friend. She was surprised that she was giving advice to me. I was surprised that she was surprised because she has more experience than I do and also has achieved a tremendous amount of success.  It was natural for me to listen to her and…

Seven’s Sunday Suggestions.

April 3, 2011

Since it is Sunday and a day that a lot of people use to catch up on reading, I am sharing some of my favorite blogs. Most of these are written by friends who influence me. There are so many blogs out there to read and so little time to do it.  If I read…
