Jessica Levin

No Snow Day For Me! The Benefits of Being Virtual.

January 27, 2011

It snowed today. Again. Schools are closed. Offices are closed. Many, many people are losing productivity and many businesses are losing money. I, however, am toasty warm working from my office. Sure, I had a meeting canceled today, but I am still am able to get all of my other work done. Why? Because I work 100% virtually.

Making Webinars Engaging, Is it Possible?

January 25, 2011

How many webinar invitations do you get a day? I think I get three on average. There are webinars for everything. Free ones, paid ones, sponsored ones and webinars about webinars. Some have video where you can see the presenter, but many simply contain a voice and a PowerPoint show. My question is: how many people actually learn during a webinar?

Afraid of Public Speaking? Tips to Ease the Fear.

January 24, 2011

Today I helped my friend Melissa prepare for a presentation. She was asked to present her job responsibilities and background to the CEO and Chief HR Bigwig. Melissa knows her job well and can do it in her sleep yet the thought of speaking in public is quite frightening. When I asked Melissa what she did she was easily able to articulate it, but the thought of doing a “presentation” scared her beyond belief.

How Networking is Like

January 23, 2011

I am not a fan of exercise. I never have been. For the last seven months I have worked out five days a week on average. About two months ago I started working with a personal trainer. This week he was pushing me to embrace “the burn.” I hate the burn. The burn hurts. The burn makes me want to quit. I just don’t like the burn.

Karma Online and In Real-Life

January 20, 2011

If you read my 8th grade yearbook, you will see that someone wrote me a note that said “you’re a nice girl, but you are really negative.” For many years I saw the glass as half empty. I can’t exactly say when it changed, but over time I realized the power of positive thinking. I found that the happier I felt, the nicer I was to other people, the better my life got. Good things happened.
