Jessica Levin

One Day at a Time: Building Your Social Media Knowledge Base

February 24, 2010

As meeting planners and associations (and the rest of the world) continue to learn about social media, many people are looking for cookie-cutter solutions. They want to attend a webinar and leave knowing exactly what they need to do to implement social media.

Making History, Unconference Style

February 7, 2010

Growing up, the best part of my childhood was the time that I spent at summer camp. Camp allowed me to be myself. Camp was informal, a refreshing break from the structured learning during the school year. Camp left me with lifelong friends and lessons that I will never forget. From camp fires to swimming lesson to late-night talks after it was “lights out,” camp left me with memories that will stay with me forever. As an adult, I have often longed for that type of camaraderie and environment.

Event Camp 2010: This is Our Story

January 16, 2010

In mid-2009, Christina Costerasked if anyone involved in the Twitter group, #Eventprofs, was interested in producing an unconference for event professionals. With a lack of low-cost meetings for the meetings industry, I jumped at the idea. After several planning calls with Christina, Jeff Hurt, Mike McAllen and Mike McCurry, Event Camp 2010 was born.

Social Media and the First-time Attendee

January 14, 2010

I recently attended the PCMA Convening Leaders conference in Dallas, TX. I was a first time attendee, but I was not your average first-timer.

Changing the Game Forever

January 12, 2010

Note: This post originally appeared in a free eBook published by Ready2Spark. Download the book here. Companies and associations spend a lot of time, money and effort planning events. Back in the day, the tremendous amount of planning that went into an event was all to ensure that when an attendee arrived at the meeting,…
