Jessica Levin

What If Your Network Was Lost Forever?

March 19, 2018

Last week a Facebook friend posted a silly ‘What If’ game on Facebook based on lyrics to famous songs. What if we are really getting back together? What if Billy Jean is really his lover? And my contribution, what if the lights in the Milky Way were not faded and heaven was not overrated? That’s…

Did the Internet Break Society?

February 23, 2018

I’ve been on the internet since 1995,  just after AOL started mailing CDs to everyone to get them on the world wide web and right around the time Yahoo was founded.  I frequented chat rooms, witnessing the wide variety of conversation that occurred in them.  Inhibitions were lowered as if we were all pounding beers…

Your Humor Will Get You Through It?

December 29, 2017

So we have been trying to buy a house for a few months and the process has been…let’s call it trying. That’s the positive person’s word for frustrating, exasperating, annoying, infuriating, you get the picture. We found a house we love. I mean, really love.  We tackled all of the obstacles needed to purchase it…

Sorry, Not Sorry.

December 6, 2017

Today I witnessed someone apologize for theft. They knew it was wrong and said they were sorry. They suffered some consequences, but certainly not permanent ones. They apologized. They were lucky that while the apology was not exactly “accepted” it did get them out of being reported to the authorities. Over the last few weeks,…

Shut Up and Be Nice!

November 30, 2017

Yesterday I shopping was in Target and heard someone wish ill upon their friend. I didn’t hear the first part, but she said “I hope next time you fall and hurt yourself.” She said it with a hint of sarcasm, but it stopped me in my tracks. We hear stuff like this all the time…
