What’s Your Prop?

March 20, 2011

Last night as Midori and I were getting ready to hit the town, I mentioned that I wish I could be the type of woman who can go out without make-up on. I often talking about confidence, yet I always feel the need to “put on my face” when I go out.  Midori wisely said, “it’s not about confidence, it’s about having a little prop.” She’s right. Whether it’s make-up, sexy underwear, a power tie or even “lucky” socks, having a little crutch can really boost one’s confidence and make a huge difference in how we carry ourselves. Feeling good about ourselves can greatly improve the way that we develop relationships and how we make others feel.

Do you every feel like you need a boost? What’s your prop that makes you feel special?

And just to prove I can do, here is a photo from last night AND one of me without make-up. If Oprah can do it, so can I!

All dressed up!

No Make-up
