Jessica Levin

Getting Found By Building an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy.

October 22, 2014

There are many issues to consider when building an effective digital marketing strategy for your company. Using an approach that will help your organization “get found” on the internet is often a high priority for many organizations. However, the more one reads up on the topic of how to do this effectively, the more overwhelming it…

Ask More Questions.

October 12, 2014

 As a meeting facilitator, I often use a technique called Q-Storming to lead a discussion.  This technique, from the Inquiry Institute is designed to get people to ask questions to solve a problem, rather than make statements.  By asking questions, participants are able to open their thoughts wider and consider new ideas and angles.  With…

Technology: Gratitude Over Fear

September 22, 2014

Yesterday I had the honor of attending the Mashable Social Good Summit.  The conference is described as “a two-day conference examining the impact of technology and new media on social good initiatives around the world. Held during UN Week from September 21-22, the Social Good Summit unites a dynamic community of global leaders and grassroots…

The Internet is a Bunch of Crap.

September 12, 2014

I am totally in love with Dutch student, Zilla van den Born, who faked her South East Asian vacation to prove a point that much of what we read on the internet is completely false.  She spent her time off from friends and family using her Photoshop skills to create a fake experience.  One that probably…

All That Is Good In The World.

September 11, 2014

Today, September 11th, is a day of reflection for many people. While I remember the day back in 2001 vividly, I was not directly impacted by it. For that I am grateful. Today, as I see so many people share their stories, it is another reminder of why it is important to be reflective every…
