Jessica Levin

Who Are You Giving Your Foul Ball To?

September 8, 2014

Last night I read a discussion on Facebook that had to do with a rant about giving free consulting time. People are always asking consultants to pick their brain for a few minutes.  The bigger your network and your brand, the more you get asked to dish out free advice. This happens to me pretty…

Operation: Network – Take Our Survey

September 3, 2014

We spend a lot of time thinking and talking about networking. On special days, we obsess about it.  Networking is a large part of the Seven Degrees Communications DNA.   So after many years of studying networking habits, we have designed our research project on the topic of networking. Operation: Network is our attempt to collect information…

Tools for Email Management

July 28, 2014

If you are like me, you send A LOT of emails every week.  It can get difficult to manage follow-up and tracking.  The good news is that over the last few months we have discovered a few tools that make staying on top of email a little easier. Here is a sample of some of…

Inspirity: Easy Mobile-Friendly Websites in Minutes.

July 11, 2014

I have a lot of clients who are waiting for the perfect time to make their websites mobile-friendly. As much as they know that they need to do it, they just aren’t ready to make the change.   To be honest, even the 7DC site didn’t look great on mobile devices until we redesigned our…

Overcoming the Obstacle of Opinions: A look at Claudia Chan’s SHE Summit

June 23, 2014

This post was written by Stacy Hanas, Marketing Assistant at Seven Degrees Communications. If you can be anything in a world where stereotypes were non-existent, what would you be?  An astronaut?  A firefighter? A hairdresser?  Unfortunately we live in a society that naturally associates a career with a specific gender, social class, and ethnicity.  Former…
