Jessica Levin

Anticipatory Marketing

June 6, 2014

In my Communications 2064 presentation, I have been talking a lot about what I call, Anticipatory Marketing.  This is the concept, that marketers and product developers have been using to meet the needs of people before they ever know that they have a need. The late, great Steve Jobs once said “people don’t know what…

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

June 5, 2014

What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a question I often ask to my clients. Sometimes I ask an individuals who is trying to figure out their role in their company. Other times it is helping an organization define who and what they want to be to their clients. I find…

“How Can I Help You” Is a Mind Set.

March 31, 2014

I’m lucky. I had the chance, early in my career, to witness the concept of “pay it forward” in action. My mentors demonstrated how to be a resource; how to be the person someone calls when they need to know where to buy tires. Since then, I have incorporated the lessons that I learned into…

Asana: Our Favorite Project Management Tool.

March 28, 2014

Project management software. There are many. Over the last few years we have experimented using a variety of these tools that are designed to keep track of our tasks and keep our projects organized. We have liked none if them. Until now. Last July we were introduced to Asana when a client was using it…

Review of Eat That Frog!

March 27, 2014

Procrastination, it’s something I struggle with. Actually , more accurately I embrace it. I love to wait until the last minute. I don’t actually love it, but it has become a bad habit. After seeking some guidance on getting stuff done, my friend Kristy, Founder of AquaBelly Fitness, suggested that I read Eat That Frog by…
