Jessica Levin

Blog Topic Ideas Happen Everywhere.

March 18, 2013

Needless to say, I have been a slacker when it comes to blogging. I have no real good reason. If I were speaking to one of my coaching clients and they weren’t blogging on a regular basis, I would most likely remind them of their goals, blah blah.  Last week while Midori and I were…

Seven Ideas for Creating a Social CRM Program.

December 14, 2012

This week I led a discussion for the Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM) on the topic of Social CRM.  Having worked with accounting firm marketers and having been one myself, I know that three of the topic challenges that they face are: CRM Social Media Content Generation So you can imagine how difficult it is…

Why I Love the Band Train: Lessons in Engagement

August 31, 2012

Three summers ago I saw Train for the first time when they opened for John Mayer. I was familiar with the band and have very clear memories of loudly singing their 1998 hit, Meet Virginia, driving in my car.  At the time, I wasn’t a fan, per se, but I liked their music.  That all…

Personalization: General Manager Edition

August 21, 2012

Midori and I recently had the honor of facilitating several event technology sessions at Experient’s E4 conference.  It just happened to be located at the Sheraton Waikiki in beautiful Hawaii.   Upon arrival at the hotel, we were given brown paper bags and told that this was our amenity bag.  The word “makana” which is…

Creating Special Moments Through Social Listening

August 18, 2012

Last week I attended ASAE’s Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX.  This meeting brought about 6000 associations executives to this conference which had events in multiple venues around Dallas. While I was participating in the Twitter stream, I stumbled into a discussion with ASAE’s community manager, Mandy Stahl (@MandyStahl), about how it’s always cold in convention…
