Jessica Levin

Goodwill, Nice Stories and a New Blog.

December 16, 2011

I have been sharing a lot of “softer” stories on this blog, yet I have a lot of stories that don’t have a direct business purpose. Some of these are customer service stories. Some are general observations. With that said, I am working on creating a new Tumblr blog that is dedicated to sharing stories…

Committees and How to Make Them Not Work.

December 9, 2011

This week Midori and I had the honor of facilitating a meeting for a group of association education directors.  One of their challenges is getting feedback from committees. This problem is not unique to this group. If you have ever served as volunteer you know that the dynamics are always interesting.  There are the people…

Dancing in Parking Lots.

December 2, 2011

Warning, this post is very random in nature. My friend Melissa introduces me to people saying “This is Jessica, she is social media.” Clearly, I am not social media, but it’s nice to hear that. Melissa knows that she might appear in a blog post from time to time and here is one of those…

‘Tis the Season to Provide Great Service

December 1, 2011

If you are like me, you do most of your holiday shopping (or any shopping) online. I avoid brick-n-mortar stores like the plague. This week I need to pick up a few things and had some wonderful experiences.  I also dealt with a few people who went above and beyond their job description. The goal…

Where to Find Content To Share With Your Community.

November 28, 2011

One of the things that I hear from people who are hesitant to use social media is that they don’t have anything to say. Usually the people who say this are really smart and just need a little help finding their voice. However, helping build a content-rich community doesn’t always have to be about your…
