Jessica Levin

What Volunteers Need.

May 15, 2011

I couldn’t possibly have written the last two posts about volunteerism and not finished off with talking about what volunteers need from the charities and associations that they are volunteering for. I am writing this post from my perspective as someone who has worked for an association, served as a president for a chapter of…

Kindness. Are You a Nice Client?

May 14, 2011

Yesterday, during lunch with my friend Tracy, We discussed hiring and firing clients.  She told me that she was recently speaking to someone and asked her friend what she looked for in a potential client. Her colleague responded with one word: KINDNESS.  We both thought this was pretty profound. She didn’t give a company size,…

Don’t Stop Believin’

May 11, 2011

I know my limits so trust me when I say, I can’t sing. I don’t even like to sing “happy birthday.” But, I carry around a list on my phone that I call “Life’s To Do List.” It’s like a bucket list, because it includes major goals like taking flying lessons and visiting London. It…

How to be a Good Volunteer.

May 6, 2011

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post on why we volunteer, I have some put together some ideas on what makes a good volunteer. These are just some examples. I would love to hear what you think makes a good volunteer. 1. Know why you are volunteering. If it’s charity, are you passionate about it? If…

Why Do We Volunteer?

May 5, 2011

I think about volunteering a lot. I have volunteered since middle school. I was always involved in community events. In the past, I have served as President of my local Kiwanis club and struggled to get others to chip in and serve. I’ve been employed by an association where my job was working with volunteers…
