Jessica Levin

Why The Royal Wedding is Like Building Social Media Relationships.

April 29, 2011

I’ve never been a fan of big weddings. While it is wonderful to share a special occasion with the bride and groom, you never really get to spend any time with them at the event. They spend much of their time briefly chatting with friends and family before being pulled away to speak to the…

Motivation and Inspiration

April 28, 2011

Motivation is the driving force by which we achieve our goals. Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something. When these two factors come together wonderful things can happen. When either or both are lacking, we suffer. I haven’t been writing a lot this week. I have felt waves of…

How to treat your clients like PooPoo. And other lessons learned from my bank.

April 26, 2011

I bank with several institutions. One of my smaller accounts is with Bank of America (I thought I’d try them out a year ago). Over the last year I have had many unpleasant encounters. So, here are a few lessons I learned about how to treat your clients like poopoo and make sure they find…

Wearing Multiple Hats

April 25, 2011

Yesterday for Easter we played a best bonnet contest. Everyone wore their favorite hat and it added to the happiness of the day.  I shared the story of the bonnet contest on Facebook, and my friend Maryanne Bobrow joked that she has an entire closet full of hats. She, however, was not referring to physical…


April 23, 2011

It’s the Saturday before Easter and I’m not sure that anyone wants any social media, events or business networking tips today.  Instead, today I want to talk a little bit about tradition. This week I wrote about making assumptions and talked about how people try to guess at which holidays we celebrate based on our…
