Jessica Levin

Engaging Examples.

October 10, 2010

This week Midori Connolly and I conducted a webinar that was hosted by Destination Marketing Association International. Our topic was Engaging Technology: Using Social Media to Enhance Your Meetings. Webinars are a great way to share information, but sometimes it’s hard to make all of the pieces work right. This webinar was pretty interactive and…

Anyone Can Have An Idea.

October 3, 2010

There are a lot of good ideas in the world. There are a lot of smart people with a lot of good ideas. But, what really makes the magic happen? Passion. I’m not a movie reviewer. In fact, I don’t go to the movies that often. However, I was compelled to see The Social Network…

As Good As Being There?

September 8, 2010

In the events world there is a lot of chatter about virtual and hybrid events. Last February I was fortunate enough to be a part of Event Camp NYC which combined a face-to-face meeting with an interactive webcast. It was a great experience and I met so many great people. Tomorrow I will be on…

When Worlds Collide

September 6, 2010

Every time I speak on the topic of using social media to create relationships, someone, inevitably, asks about the separation between church and state or keeping personal and business contacts separate.

Techy Tools That Are Better Than Cake: Episode #2

July 5, 2010

Last night at a July 4th BBQ, a group of guests were discussing technology. I listened as one enthusiastic party-goer explained a number of tools to an interested, but much less informed friend. I was partially listening as I heard the conversation move to the topic of Dropbox. I quickly whipped out my Droid and demonstrated what the other person had been trying to explain for the last five-minutes.
