Jessica Levin

You Know You Hired the Wrong Social Media Expert When…

July 17, 2011

In the last few weeks I have heard some horror stories from companies who hired a social media maven gone bad.  I thought it would be fun to poke fun at some of the abundance of experts in this Sunday night list. Feel free to add your comments based on your own experiences or stories…

Choosing A Webinar Service Provider

July 14, 2011

Webinars. They are seminars online. Or at least that’s an easy way to describe them.  They are great marketing tools and a great way to provide education and training.  I have produced many webinars and as a speaker I have used many platforms supplied by various organizations who have hired me. So when my friend…

Google + and Redefining Friendship.

July 13, 2011

If you have ever read my blog or heard me speak, you probably already know that I am very much in favor of using social network to develop personal relationships with business contacts. I believe in the human factor. I believe in letting clients know that I just baked cookies and then sharing the recipe…

Social Media Marketing Experts and Niches.

July 10, 2011

Last week while watching Julia Roberts travel all around the world based on the advice of a guru in the movie, Eat, Pray, Love, I couldn’t help but smile to myself.  Guru. It’s a term I see almost everyday as I comb the social media universe. While the term guru has roots in Hinduism, Western…

Twitter: Three Years Later

July 9, 2011

I am pretty good at remembering dates so it seems logical that I would remember my three-year Twitterversary. I can’t remember how I first found Twitter, although I am pretty sure that I was on the popular social-networking site before Oprah was. When I first joined on July 9, 2008, there was little direction and…
