Jessica Levin

JLev: Unplugged

July 1, 2011

For those who know me well, you may know that one of my nicknames in JLev. Those who call me that do it with affection. Hence, my blog post title. The unplugged part has to do with the fact that I am getting ready for my first vacation in over a year where I will…

Co-Location, Combination and Inconjunction With: The Future of Events?

June 30, 2011

This week the #Eventprofs twitter chat discussed the good, bad and ugly of co-location of events. There were mixed feelings on the topic, and a number of definitions shared. In the last six months I have attended three separate events which were co-located. Here are some thoughts and some things to consider. Definitions (in my…

Seven Benefits of Mobile Apps for Events

June 28, 2011

Last week I had the pleasure of moderating a panel with some of the best thought leaders when it comes to Mobile Applications and Technology for Events.  Panelists at PCMA’s Education Conference included Michelle Bruno, Johnnie White, Mike Immerwahr and Trevor Roald. Each panelist brought a unique perspective to the discussion and it was clear…

Goals and Measurement.

June 27, 2011

Today marks one year since I began a fitness regimen.  I set a goal to lose 72 pounds, give or take. For the first six months I was diligent. I went to the gym five – six days a week and was very aware of everything that I ate. I weighed myself often. I celebrated…


June 26, 2011

As I was about to write this post I noticed that it will make post #100. That seems like quite an accomplishment, yet we have so much more to share.  I haven’t been writing as much as I had been. It’s not because I have been less motivated, but because I fell out of the…
