Jessica Levin

Seven Travel Tips to Make You Happier

June 17, 2011

Traveling for business is not as glamorous as it seems. As I am writing this post I am sitting in the airport in Detroit (a little know fact, but I was born here). I have a two-hour flight delay as I am returning from a trip to Ottawa, ON. It’s a Friday evening and I…

The 7D Girls are App Happy!

June 9, 2011

Last week Jessica and I had the pleasure of delivering an interactive webinar on a hot topic, “App Happy: how to create a mobile meeting strategy”, this time on behalf of the MeetingsNet organization. With over 500 registered attendees, we had a lively crowd that asked some fantastic questions. Bright and innovative publishers that they…

Seven Ways You Know You Travel A Lot.

June 1, 2011

Today I start a new life as an entrepreneur. I’m on my way to Chicago to speak to the group at Destination Showcase with Midori. We will be covering Social Technology 101 and a higher-level session on Event Engagement. Last night I managed to pack my bags in under ten minutes. This was record time…

How to be a Good Conference Attendee.

May 24, 2011

I am writing this post from the train to New York City to attend BlogWorld East. It seems that there is a conference for just about everything. This one is for bloggers and new media enthusiasts. As a self-proclaimed conference junkie, I was very excited to be able to attend this event without getting on…

Turn your speaker’s lounge inside out.

May 19, 2011

I do a lot of professional speaking, many of them smaller conferences that don’t have big budgets (I’m always a sucker for the little guy). But, even when small, almost all of these events have some variation of a speaker’s lounge, with refreshments, snacks, couches, tables, etc. Well, usually I drop into the lounge, grab…
