Jessica Levin

One Size Fits None

October 23, 2009

Yesterday I have the honor of being at panelist at the Fair Media Council’s Connection Day on the topic of Twitter. After I, and the other distinguished panelists, shared our experiences and strong belief in the power of Twitter, Richard Kessel, CEO of the New York Power Authority and our moderator, commented that he still preferred human-to-human interaction via phone or in person.

Morning Routine 2.0

October 19, 2009

What is the first thing you do in the morning? In the old days, I would wake, brush my teeth, shower and then eventually check email, voicemail and begin my day. Things are different these days. My alarm clock is attached to my Blackberry Storm. When that goes off, I open my eyes and check…

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

October 18, 2009

As a marketer and business consultant, it is always easy to tell people what to do. You need to blog. You need to tweet. Did you send follow-up notes to new people that you met? It’s so much easier to do these things for other people as a consultant then it is to do them for yourself.

In the Beginning…

October 18, 2009

This is my first post on my new website. Like many websites, I hoped to launch this months ago. But, as we all know, life gets in the way. So here I am. Please don’t hold that against me.
